I must tell you before I even start writing about this subject that the Kingdom of God has come upon you. I am writing this by commandment of the Holy Spirit. This information is for your great gain although it goes against every natural instinct that you have. Therefore, however it is that you pray, ask God for guidance in this matter. Try not to respond with your natural instincts before you consider what was said.
The flesh is not your friend.
For your entire life, for teaching purposes, your closest friend has been your flesh, that wondrous vehicle that has carried you from birth to the place where you are today. Through thick and thin it has always been there for you. It’s been with you so long that it is hard to tell where it stops and you begin. To most people, it is you.
The Holy Spirit told me that the flesh is like a glove that you put on for a specific dirty task. The soul is like your hand that the glove was put on to protect. The spirit is the body and mind that told the hand what to do. After the task is complete, the glove is to be discarded but you and your hand will go on with your life.
Your flesh was given to you by God to teach you about sin and other temporary things like death and Satan. This vehicle is flesh. It is therefore subject to the flesh. This fleshly world that we live in is the kingdom of Satan. All fleshly things of this world have been put away and denounced by the entire Kingdom of God. No fleshly thing from this world will ever enter God’s Kingdom. Again, God hated this world so much that He gave it to Satan.
In their serious ignorance, Satan and one third of all of the angels in heaven rebelled against God and tried to overthrow His Kingdom. Of course, since God made all things, the only thing that their revolt had any effect on was their own existence. Satan and his angels were banished from Heaven to the earth and this world until a time appointed when Satan, his angels, this world and everything that is not perfect shall be thrown into the fire and done away with, once and for all time.
Satan is cursed with a kingdom that is temporary. Since he and his angels are now a part of it, they are also temporary. The only things on this earth now that are not temporary are your soul and spiritual things. All flesh will perish when it is finished being used by God. The things that God once gave to man now belong to Satan because of mankind’s lack of thanksgiving.
The only thing on this earth now that God loves is you. Since Satan has been banished from the Kingdom of God, he is no longer God’s enemy. He has turned the focus of his hatred for God on the only thing on this earth that God loves, you.
Contrary to popular belief, Satan can in no way touch your soul. Satan and his angels are banished spirits. They are in spiritual form but subject to serious restrictions concerning the souls of mankind, which were purchased by the blood of God’s own Son, Jesus Christ. All souls now belong to Him. You can believe that in the hands of the King of Kings, all souls are quite safe from Satan.
You are also a spirit. You are confined in a fleshly vessel to control you as you learn what kind of creation that you are. Satan also cannot touch your spirit. However since Satan and his angels are spirits, they can reach you on that level.
The only powers that Satan and his angels have is ownership of the temporary world you temporarily live in and their complete lack of hope and thereby morals. Whether he tempts you into disgracing the name of the Lord or tortures you into it, either way, he has no remorse. He has hated you since Adam.
Satan was the most beautiful angel that God ever made. In his vanity, he became very proud of himself. Then God made man in His own image to become, in the Spirit, higher than the angels. Satan has hated you ever since you were made. That is why he mounted a rebellion against God.
Satan does not try to get you to disgrace the name of the Lord to get at God or Jesus. He knows that disgracing Jesus is bad for your soul so he does it because he hates you.
Satan uses his kingdom to tempt and deceive you into not accepting the gift of Jesus Christ. This gift is freedom from the confines of the flesh and this world and the filling of your own vessel with the Holy Spirit of God. All things in Heaven and earth, including Satan, his angels, and his entire kingdom are subject to that Spirit. You are subject to that Spirit whether you accept it or not.
All the things that go on in this world right now are a perfect plan of God to show His greatest creation, mankind, all of the things that He hates. God made all of those things temporary so that we do not lose our hope of a perfect existence with God. Because this entire world is a perfect plan of God, you are not expected to change any of it, the only part of this entire world that you are expected to change is you.
This goes against all of our vanity and pride. This goes against all religious teachings. It goes against every natural instinct that we possess, but remember that you have been told that the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, these things are foolishness to the natural man. Satan and his angels take many forms in the flesh to deceive you and keep you from receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Because of this deception, the natural man is constantly trying to fix or change the unchangeable things of God.
You have this fleshly life so that you can learn the things that God hates and why He hates them. Therefore you yourself can stop doing them. When you do stop doing them, you see the great peace and joy that those things kept you from. Then you become a witness to why God hates them.
A common misconception is that Satan can make you sin. This is not so. Satan and his angels can tempt you and lie to you but they can’t make you do anything. You sin when you are tempted of your own lusts and enticed.
When we listen to our desires of the flesh we open ourselves to sin. The desires of the flesh are against the desires of the Spirit of God. The desires of the Spirit of God are against the desires of the flesh.
Sin is anything that is against the will of God. When we give in to our desires in the flesh, we go against the desire or will of the Holy Spirit, which is of God, we commit sin. Where there is sin there is every terrible thing that is on this earth.
If ever there was a moment in your life that you were not suffering the effects of the mistakes and sin that you have committed and in torment, it is because Jesus Christ is come in the flesh and His grace and mercy still abides here. He is the only thing between you and hell. I am even talking to them who have been deceived into thinking they were righteous.
If you truly were righteous and you were subject to all of the commandments of God and Jesus, then you would be filled with the Holy Spirit. You would not be deceived into thinking that there are any righteous in this world except Jesus Christ. It is only the great love and longsuffering of Jesus for you that you are given this last chance to consider this wonderful gift He has offered without being tormented constantly by the fruits of your own iniquity.
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. He is intently listening for anyone to obey Him and partake of His wonderful gift. But make no mistake this is your last chance!
As you look around and see the terrible sinful state of this world and even of ourselves, you have to admit that Jesus Christ has been more than generous in His longsuffering and forgiveness for mankind and that includes you.
Now is the only time that you will be given this opportunity. There is no time left for you to consider whether or not it is the right thing to do. You are just going to have to trust the Lord Jesus and do it.
If you have not been already, you are about to be bombarded with the cares of the flesh. Your flesh does not like this gift of Jesus one little bit. Your flesh is very afraid of this. This gift is the death of your flesh. For the rest of your insignificant life as you know it, your flesh will be subject unto the Spirit of God which it lusts against. This is not a good thing for your flesh. It is a wonderful thing for your soul and spirit however.
Remember, you have been carefully programmed by Satan, his angels, and your own flesh to react and care for the things of the flesh. Jobs, family, friends, illness, heartache, the law, shopping, working, feeding, kids, husbands, wives, television, computers, politics, church, the poor, your yard, your house, your car, your health, the health of those you love, finances, moneys, and not to mention, death are but a few of the cares of the flesh that will be against you receiving the Holy Spirit.
The flesh would argue, “What about the commandments of God concerning our flesh?” The Holy Spirit is quite aware of all the commandments. He would never lead you into temptation but will deliver you from all evil. You were not able to keep any of these commandments anyway, only do some of them sometimes. You are never sacrificing any righteousness by accepting the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact you have increased it one million fold.
People are waiting for something terrible to happen to them before they commit to the gift of Jesus Christ. If you do not commit to Jesus Christ, something terrible has already happened to you. This is your last call.
Do not be deceived into thinking that because the Walmart is still open and you are still able to make a salary and take care of your family and churches are not excited, that it is not your last chance. This would be a big mistake.
Jesus will give you this gift because you are repentant for your sin and love Him for giving it to you and are extremely grateful to Him. He will not give it to you because the Walmart is closed and there is nothing left for you here.
If you do not take this gift now, with a true heart unto the Lord Jesus, you will not receive this gift.
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. He is listening so make your choice.
I look forward to, very soon, seeing all of you that have chosen the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ at His wedding. It will be the greatest party that all of creation has ever seen.
I pray that all evil influence would be cast from you, while you make your decision, in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ.
May He always be your Lord and the great joy and peace that comes with obedience to Him be yours forever, Amen & amen.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The Flesh is Not Your Friend
Holy Ghost,
holy spirit,
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thank you Holy Spirit.
How do you reconcile your comments about flesh and the doctrine of the resurrection? Aren't we promised to gain perfected bodies, as Jesus did when he arose from the grave? I certainly believe that we are travelers in a strange land, but to propose that flesh will not enter the kingdom of heaven does not coincide with the Bible.
To suppose that there is only one flesh is to be blind because of course we know that grasshoppers are in the flesh and that bears are in the flesh and we also know that we are in the flesh. All of the flesh and spirit and anything else that there is in Heaven and the world were made by God. What flesh He has made beyond this world to this point is none of our business. But in this world the flesh that was made by God failed unto God and was given to Satan. We, who are filled with the Spirit of God, are given express and explicit intructions concerning the flesh, that we do know. Since by God this flesh was condemned and given to Satan, we are told that all flesh OF THIS WORLD is against the Spirit of God. Thereby none of the flesh OF THIS WORLD will be in Heaven and before you or anyone else enters the Kingdom of God you will lose this flesh. What God does beyond that point is none of my business. But I certainly have no problem with it since everything in Heaven is perfect. As far as this flesh goes, I have been told by the Spirit of God that none of this world will enter the Kingdom of God. What you do with your flesh is between you and your Lord Jesus Christ but as for me, I want no part of it. I hope this answers your question.
may the love and peach that comes with obedience to Jesus Christ be yours in the Spirit of God but in the flesh I don't care.
In response to the comment left by Jawsjr:
"...but to propose that flesh will not enter the kingdom of heaven does not coincide with the Bible."
1 Cor 15:50
50 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
The Flesh is not our friend... I say nothing in this world is our friend, the Holy Spirit is the only friend we have, What a powerful message you have here but the problem is so many people will not agree with your views because they are clouded with their own views about what God should do and not do... forgeting that God is not a respecter of persons. it is only through the holy Spirit that understanding comes.
we must know that God is our all in all we must look for ways to please Him and forget about our flesh.
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