Chapter 9
Every person on this earth, who has lived long enough to have morals, has a past. They have a memory of what they have done, said, and thought before now. According to those morals, they are either proud or ashamed of that past. Most, because of the past, are afraid to call on the Lord.
Morals are the fear of God of a society as a whole, whether it is a small society like a family or a large society like a kingdom or nation. There are a set of rules concerning right and wrong that are accepted by the society as a whole. Some within each society will have higher morals and some will have lower morals. This all depends on their beliefs of the consequence of doing wrong or the reward of doing right.
If a person feels that they have done more right than wrong, they may be proud of their past. They feel that when the good things they have done are weighed against the bad things they have done they will be left with a certain amount of rewards. If a person feels that they have done more wrong than right, they feel that when they are weighed against one another they will be left with a certain amount of punishment or consequence. They are ashamed of their past.
The weird thing is that those that feel that they are ultimately righteous are more likely to blaspheme God. They are not ashamed, when they pray, to demand of God some reward in the flesh for their righteousness. They will ask God for things of the flesh even though the things of the flesh are against the things of the Spirit.
These, that feel that they are righteous, see those that they feel are unrighteous with things of the flesh and think that they should be worthy of at least as much fleshly reward.
The Holy Spirit says that if the unrighteous, though they be unrighteous all of their lives, repent and begin to do those things that God has deemed righteous, God will remember their unrighteousness no more. They will be to God as righteous. To be fair, the Spirit also says that the righteous, though they be righteous all their lives, should turn and do unrighteousness their righteousness will God remember no more. They will be to God unrighteous.
According to God your past is not nearly as important as what you do right now and what you do from now on either way.
Chapter 10
The time to receive the gift of Jesus Christ is fast coming to a close. The day and hour no man knows but it does not take a genius to know that this world will not go on as it is going for very much longer.
Satan, because he knows that his time is short, has pulled all the stops. He has sent a flood of lies and misinformation to stop anyone from receiving the precious gift of Jesus Christ.
Through television, computers, internets, religions, governments, laws, taxes, insurance, jobs, houses, family, the environment, wars, hunger, poverty, riches, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, marriage, divorce, death and all the other things that we feel are important, it is hard to find the time to shoot God a prayer every now and then, let alone do all the commandments of Jesus Christ. It is not only hard, it is impossible. It would take more time than the world has to even get started. So I suggest that you do not even try if you hope to receive this wonderful gift.
If your hope is only to live forever and one day go to heaven, I have good news for you. Jesus Christ has already paid the price for your soul. If you are one of mankind, Jesus has already made arrangements for you to live forever.
There is a time coming that you will not only know and do the commandments of God, but you will learn firsthand the reasons for them. You will give account for every idle word you have ever spoken and God will correct you. When He is through with you, you will not only do these things because God tells you to, you will do them for your own benefit. These times will be so hard and terrible that even the most stouthearted and evil sinners will repent. NO matter how evil you are, there is plenty of time for you to learn to live forever with God.
If this is your lot then for the time being it is none of my business. Your time is coming and you are in good hands.
Chapter 11
If you feel that you would like to partake of the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ then I will tell you a few things to remember.
The King of Kings does not need you for anything. He has the entire Kingdom of God at His disposal. His every wish is acted upon by that Kingdom, which includes an innumerable company of angels or ministering spirits, any one of which is greater than a thousand fleshly men. He does not need you to do anything for Him but you will need Him to do everything for you from now on.
Every commandment of Jesus Christ is for your benefit not His. He does not tell you to do anything because He just wants it that way. He tells you because it is the easiest and best way for you, no matter how strange it might sound or impossible it might seem.
You must repent of your sinful life. Sin will not be tolerated in the Kingdom of Heaven ever again. Not just apologize, but repent. Repentance is finality. If you eat too much, you may apologize for that action. If you hit your bare big toe with a shop hammer, you will repent of that action. Sin is every bit as destructive to your well being as hammering your big toe.
You must confess your sins to Jesus Christ and anyone that they might have affected. Then you must repent of that sin and put it away from you. Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin.
Then you must be baptized. Baptism is not a public declaration of your faith. If you wish to make a public declaration of your faith, then get out in the public and declare it. Baptism, like everything else Jesus tells you to do, is for your benefit. It is a contract between you and the Lord God. It is you saying to Jesus that you are ready to die to your old way of life and to be raised up a new man who is ready to obey and receive the Spirit of God.
Do not take this act lightly. Understand before you are baptized that you are saying to God that you are agreeing to have your life turned upside down. Life as you know it will never be the same.
You have lived a fleshly life. All that you know to this point is what you have been taught by the flesh. The flesh and the spirit are completely contrary to one another. Your life, as you know it, will be completely torn down. Every aspect of your life will be altered. Your family, your friends, your job, your standing in the community, even your own feelings will be forever changed.
To your flesh this will not feel like a good change. Things will happen during the tearing down of your life that will seriously concern you. Your baptism will remind you that it is not your business and to give it to the Lord. It will also remind you that it was your decision to partake of this craziness in the first place.
Pride is a great enemy to you in receiving this gift of Jesus Christ. You are insignificant and useless to anyone in your present state. So when dealing with matters of God, Jesus, the Spirit or anything else concerning the Kingdom of God, humility is key. Remember you want something from God almighty. You desire to receive a gift that angels wish they could receive. What you have in trade is nothing but your own miserable failure of a life.
You know less than nothing. If you knew nothing then it would only be a matter of teaching you the right things. But your soul is completely full of wrong information taught to you in the flesh by the enemies of God. You have an entire life of wrong teachings to be untaught before you can receive anything new.
You must be humble in every single aspect of your life. The truth is that before Christ you were a useless miserable failure in every way. To God, to Jesus, to your fellow man, even to your own friends and family you were completely useless. Since this is true and the Spirit never lies this will be your testimony in every aspect of your life from this time on.
If you can accept this fact of life then it can be changed by God. If you can’t accept it then there is nothing that can be done for you but what has already been done.
Without humbleness you can never have audience with the Lord God almighty.
Chapter 12
Another aspect of this gift that seems to cause a lot of confusion is that you will bring forth much fruit. I have heard all of the crap that is put out about what this means. The fruit that you shall bring forth is not souls that you will gather up or find for Jesus Christ. The souls of mankind are way over your head. Even the simplest of souls are far too complicated for you to understand, let alone judge and gather for Christ. Jesus Christ knows every single soul and is fully capable of judging them and dealing with them without the help of useless you.
The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. These are the fruits that you must bear or put forth. What happens because you bore this fruit is none of your business at this time. Your business is to bear this fruit because the Lord Jesus desires you to do it. The reward for this is the same reward you were looking for in the first place, the gift of being accepted by the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you expect this bearing of fruit to have a good effect on your fleshly life, I am afraid you are in for a disappointment. Jesus Christ bore more of these fruits than you will ever be able to bear and you know what happened to Him. You cannot expect it to be different for you.
If you are accepted by Jesus Christ and chosen by Him to receive this wonderful gift then your life, as you know it in the flesh, is about to be turned upside down. You will be hated, ridiculed, mocked, cast out, dreaded and considered by those in the flesh to be insane. Never fear. In the flesh you shall have great tribulation but in your soul you shall have a peace that far surpasses the understanding of man. No matter what comes up in your life, you will have the confidence of knowing that you are watched and cared for by the Lord God.
No matter how dark and troubled the story of your life becomes, you will have the great peace of knowing that the last page of your book says: and they lived happily ever after. Forever.
I am withholding my name from this writing. Not because I am afraid, in any way, of the consequence. I am a miserable, useless insect of a man. I do not deserve to be filled with the Spirit of God. I do not want any money, credit, glory or admiration for writing it. I am merely doing what I am told to do by Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has this gift. I pray that you will make the right decision. That is all that I have to give you.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Straight Answers part 3
Holy Ghost,
holy spirit,
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Thank you.
Praise God, and please keep teaching.
thank you so much, and God bless you.
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