Chapter 5
The love of money is the root of all evil. This statement bothers a lot of people. The reason this bothers most people is because the whole world is now set up on money. The more you have the more things you can buy. You don’t have to worry about your bills. The more you have the more you can help others. Your family will be better taken care of. Your life will be easier. These are all good reasons to love money. These are all also lies.
Nowadays everything on the earth is for sale. The reason for that is that Satan owns the world. He knows that the love of money is the root of all evil and he knows that with a price on everything most people will love money.
If your bills are due and you don’t have enough to pay them, you long for that amount. If after longing for it you receive it, you will love that money. Money takes care of you, comforts you and you think that with enough, you will live in peace, that’s true love. This world is completely set up to make you love money. Therefore you have the root of all evil. Satan has no trouble keeping you at odds with God. Once you have given in to the notion that money can solve any of your problems then you are in a position to commit sins you would never commit otherwise.
Chapter 6
I have found a very serious dilemma in my life. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you are completely subject to the word of God. The only place that the chosen have no honor is in their own place. That is a hard statement to swallow.
I know that every single person believes there is a God whether they admit it or not. If God Himself actually came to you in all His glory and took you to Heaven and told you a mystery of life itself, how many people would you tell? Consider your opinion of all the people who have told or would tell you the same thing. If they told you once and didn’t believe it themselves, you might think they just had a dream or were touched or something and it would be cool to you. If they persisted with it and started living to it and you were not, you would think or hope that they were insane or worse they would say you were filled with an evil spirit.
I am stuck with the fact that I was chosen by Jesus Christ. I was a miserable creature throughout my life and the only reason I could get was that He loved me. He told me that He had filled me with the Holy Spirit of God which was His spirit. He told me that Spirit would tell me everything to do and answer all my questions from that time on.
He told me that I would not have to fret about right or wrong anymore. If I was against the will of the Spirit, He would correct me and He’s always right. To be chastised by the Spirit of God is not a burden we bear, it is a precious gift. I am forever thankful and subject to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Spirit also told me that I was free from having to judge anyone but myself. He said that if my testimony could help others in any way, I should give it instantly and honestly. If it did not help, it was none of my business and that it was between them and God.
To all of the people who knew me before Jesus saved me, I am insane or a liar. All of my life, before I was saved and chosen, I was a terrible liar. I would lie about everything. I would even lie when there was no reason for it. I would make up big windy tales to make the story more interesting or usually to make myself look better or to get out of some trouble I had made for myself. The trouble was usually because I had lied about something else.
This story of being saved and chosen by Jesus Christ and being filled with the very Spirit of God is more fantastic and wild than any lie I have ever told, even though it is true. So I cannot really blame or judge anyone who thinks it’s just another lie or that I have gone off the deep end. In the beginning I even wondered the same thing myself.
I thank the Lord with all my heart and soul and life that it is all true. I say to all those who knew me and anyone else don’t trust me. I am nothing and I have nothing for you. Everything that I know or have I received from Jesus Christ. The things I say are not my words. They are in the Bible or they are just a true testimony of what happened to me.
Chapter 7
You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. To find Him, although He’s not far from anyone, you must believe the Word of God. This will require faith. Faith is the actual tangible substance of the things that we hope for and the actual evidence of the things we have not seen. Faith is not earned or learned. It is a gift from God. It comes from hearing the Word of God. If you don’t have any faith or you don’t have enough, I strongly suggest that you ask God for it, in the name of Jesus Christ. I would also strongly urge you to read the Bible and don’t just read it but listen to what it is saying.
Since Jesus Christ came in the flesh, God is not religiously worshipped in any way. There are no puzzles to figure out, incantations to recite, tithes to pay, weekly meetings to attend, or any other obligatory worship accepted by God.
There is only one high priest and that is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. He presides over the Church of the First Born of Christ. This church consists of God, Jesus, an innumerable company of angels and the souls of righteous men made perfect since the foundation of the world. It meets twenty four hours a day, seven days a week in the Spirit of God. If that Spirit is in you then it meets in you. Your body is the temple of the Lord. This is the only church that God accepts worship from.
Nowadays there are thousands of churches and hundreds of religions. No matter what a person wants to believe there is a church that will be glad to accept and exploit you. Most of them use the Bible in some manner. A lot of them use the name of Jesus Christ. They all collect money in some way. They all tell you that they can get you to heaven if you do this or don’t do that. Most say that they are God’s house and that you can go there to find Him. All of them exist because mankind is vain.
The prince of this world, Satan, hates God and loves to exploit the vanity of man. He is in charge of all religious worship. He knows that every person believes in God whether they admit or not. He knows that everyone wants to go to heaven when they die. He knows that mankind, in his vanity, wishes to find a way around the rules of God. Even though there is no way around God, Satan is happy to lie and provide that way. Man is easy to deceive without God.
Satan does not care if you go to church, pay your tithes, pray to an unknown god, eat crackers and drink grape juice or get dunked in water for a public declaration of your faith. In fact, as long as you believe a lie and as long as you do not accept the gift of Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter to him which lie you believe. All religious worship of God is in the flesh. Since Satan is the prince of this world, as long as you are subject to the flesh you are subject to Satan.
Chapter 8
God is spirit. Those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. No man can do this of himself.
When Jesus came to this world, He gave a wonderful gift. Through Him, you can be forgiven of your sins and filled with the very Spirit of God. This means that you are no longer subject to the flesh. That Spirit makes it possible for you to be a member of the Church of the First Born of Christ. The Spirit dwells in you and you don’t need anyone to teach you. That Spirit teaches you of all things and He never lies. As the Spirit teaches, you are with Jesus and He is with you.
The reason that Satan does not care about religious worship is that when you are in the flesh you are subject to him. The reason Satan works so hard to keep you from being filled with the Spirit is becauseif you are filled with the Spirit of God, Satan is subject to you. He does not like to answer to anything so he will stop at nothing to keep you from receiving it.
Satan hates God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and mankind, God’s greatest creation. Other than that Satan is not dumb. No matter how much you have studied or how old you are or how high your I.Q. might be, Satan is smarter than you. Satan does not appear as a fiery roaring demonic creature from hell. That would only scare you into seeking for God. Instead he appears as whatever you are most comfortable with. Satan is a spirit so he looks like anything that he wants. His favorite look is like a shining angel of light.
Satan and his army have been cast down by God. Therefore he has no power on earth except ownership of this world and deception. Make no mistake these are powerful weapons in the war to make you fail from receiving the gift and favor of God.
Everyone I know has an image of Satan sitting on a throne in hell with a few of his minions which he sends to the surface to torment bad people. This could not be further from the truth. This world, which we now live in, is his kingdom. As far as his army is concerned, he has an innumerable company of minions. Compared to Satan’s army there are only a few of mankind.
There are so many angels in the kingdom of God that there is not a number on earth to describe the amount. One third of this unimaginable number of angels, were cast down with Satan. There are plenty enough for each person to have many on just their case.
Satan is sly. He is described as the most subtle of enemies. He does not wish to make you uncomfortable in this fleshly life, unless it causes you to curse God for it. In fact, he would like for you to be so happy with your fleshly life that it is impossible for you to give it up and accept the gift from Jesus Christ of a new life.
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