Friday, July 6, 2007

Letter about beliefs

I was asked by Mom to write down my beliefs. It seems she’s having a hard time remembering, when she is asked by others, what kind of wild things I’m telling her when we visit. Therefore I will give it my best shot. Since it is a very deep subject, “ones beliefs”, I will try to be as brief as possible.
Just like all of you, I believe in God. Some people may say they do not. God says that all people know that He is. Some, because of their refusal to retain Him in their knowledge, are given over to a reprobate mind. They believe any lie that they tell themselves. They even believe that they do not believe in God even though they know that He exists.
I believe that God has no beginning and He has no end. I believe that He made everything that exists.
I believe that whatever His will, that is the way it will be no matter what. I believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the only Son directly born in the flesh to God.
I believe in the Holy Spirit of God. I believe it is a gift that was given to man from God through His son Jesus.
I believe that the Bible is an instruction manual given to man from God so that man could find his way to God (although God has never been far away). I believe every single word in it. The bible says that Jesus was given to man by God to save man from himself.
Man was so insignificant compared to God that he asked God to give him a law to follow because God’s majesty and power were so great that it caused them to live in fear. So God, in His longsuffering for man, gave man what he wanted. The penalty for breaking that law was death. Needless to say, without God to guide them, every one broke the law so everyone died.
Jesus was from God but born of woman. Just like us, he was subject to all the trials and tribulations of life in the flesh. He was like us but very different. Unlike anyone before or after him, Jesus was perfect in the eyes of God. He was given to us as a sacrifice unto God for our sin. But Jesus was also given to us to show us a better and more perfect way.
Jesus told us that he was a spirit and that he was with God from the beginning of the earth. He said that he was given to us in his earthly vessel so that we could know him while we were in our earthly vessel. Jesus said he was not only showing us who he was but he was also showing us who we are.
Jesus walked and talked with people. He knew everything about God and about them. He told them that he was there to teach them about their sin and that, through him, they could confess their sins and repent of them and they would be forgiven by God for committing them. This would mean that they would not be under a death sentence unto God anymore. Jesus said that man, through him, could have everlasting life.
Jesus chose some to go with him on his journeys on the earth. He told them that they were witnesses of what he did but he also told them that they were much more than that. Jesus said that he was given to man to be their king and man was given to him to be his kingdom but that his disciples were given to him because he chose them. He said that all the wonderful things he said and did while here on the earth were not his sayings or doings but God’s. He said that the very spirit of God was in him and that whatever that spirit told him to say or do that was what he did.
He told his disciples that the very people he was here to save were going to take him, mistreat him, and kill him. Jesus told them that if they knew what would happen next they would be overjoyed.
He said that when he was finished being a sacrifice for their sins he would inherit the entire kingdom of God. He said that, when he was given his kingdom, he would give to those that he chose the same spirit of God that was in him. He said in the spirit he would always be with them and them with him forever.
Jesus told them that after he became king of kings he was going to marry the most beautiful bride that ever was. He said that of all the souls that were ever made he had chosen some to be his bride. Jesus said that these that were chosen were not subject to the flesh or the law. God wanted them to worship Him directly. He said that God would call them sons and that they would call Him Father. Jesus said that after the wedding was over, they would be of one spirit and they would be the first generation of the very family of God.
Jesus said that most people would only be saved after great tribulation. This is what I believe about the common salvation.
Now I will tell you some of the things that the Holy Spirit has told me since he came into my life and I was born again. Soon after being filled with the Holy Ghost I began to consider all of the people that I knew and loved. I knew that the time was short and that, for the most part, they were not ready. I began to fear for them. The Holy Spirit told me that my fears were a bad testimony concerning God. If those who are filled with His very spirit are afraid what hope would anyone else have? What kind of God could He be if those that were with Him fear? So He told me never to fear anything no matter what. He said that it was always good to have compassion for those who are in a hard place but that God could handle anything.
As far as the people I was concerned about, He told me that before God even made Adam and Eve, He had made and loved each of them. He told me that their lives were given to them by Him according to their hearts. He told me that even the simplest of them were far too complicated for me to understand let alone judge. Each person must choose to call on the Lord and that Jesus would choose whomever he did according to their hearts and souls not their appearance or deeds.
I wanted very badly to be with other people who believed and were filled with the Spirit. I began to seek them out. I found that the Spirit of truth was not very well received by those who worship God out of religion.
He told me that most people went to church, paid their tithe, or prayed to receive something I the flesh or because they were afraid of what would happen if they did not. They did not do it because they loved or worshipped Jesus Christ.
He said that for the most part people went to church not to gather together to hear from the Spirit but rather to figure out a way around Him. They went where they were surrounded by those who would assure one another that although they did not do the thing that Jesus and the gospel told them, they were still going to be “raptured” on the day that Christ returned because they knew His name. The Spirit also told me that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh so if they are not ready now, they will not be ready, and even Satan knows his name.
The Spirit told me that people pay tithe so that God will leave them alone about the other ninety percent, or so that He would be impressed by it, or it was like buying a lottery ticket if perhaps God might choose to reward them for it by making them rich in some fashion in the flesh.
He said the tithe, in the law, was given as a way for man to partake of the gifts that God had given them before Him. They could give God the glory for the gifts so He could continue to give them. (deut 14:22-26)
He also warned me. There is a straight narrow passage that leads to God. It was purchased by the blood of His only begotten son. It was freely given by Jesus to those who believe. If people have decided that they can profit in the flesh or monetarily by telling people how much God will charge them for it, their punishment is just and the Lord will answer them for it in His wrath.
He said that when most people prayed, they either prayed to complain about their lives or ask for treasures in the flesh. Most of them wanted to be forgiven for their sins but were not sorry and did not plan to stop committing them. They would ask God to forgive them but they did not repent. He told me that repentance is a finality. If you realize that you have sinned then you are sorry for it and you never want to do it again.
He gave me an example: If you were to put fresh cat poop in your mouth, whether or not you meant to, you would surely repent of that action. Sin must be every bit as appalling to you as that. You cannot just throw God a letter before you go to bed and say “forgive my sins”. You must confess your sins and repent of them. Then Jesus will surely forgive them.
The Holy Spirit said that when anyone prays, they should never tell God what’s going on in their lives or what they need. They should ask Him what is going on in their lives or what it is that they need. He said that if you are ever in a place where you have audience with Jesus or God make sure that you do a lot more listening then you do talking. God already knows anything you could tell Him.
There are so many things about God that I do not know. I prayed for understanding.
The Holy Spirit said there is a book in heaven that tells everything. It tells the how and whys of all things created by God. This book was sealed by God with seven seals that nobody in heaven or earth were able to get past. This made all of the creations of god very sad. Everyone knew that we had to get past those seals to know the deep things of God.
The first seal was our instinct to conquer everything that offends or discourages us. If a mouse runs across the floor, the first reaction is to conquer it. We do not give thought to the mouse or why it exists or why it was even running across the floor in the first place.
This carries over to much bigger and more important things. If we are a part of a group or country and another group or country offends or challenges us, our first thought is to conquer them. We consider this to be our best defense against all the things that we do not like or want. The world or Satan teaches us that we must conquer everything; our fears, our emotions, our enemies, our sins, and even our fear of God.
The truth is nothing can be conquered by us. You may force it to move or bow to your will but it will always come back around again. The only way to truly be free of all the things that are against us is through Jesus Christ. He can conquer anything and we can conquer nothing.
The second seal on this book stems from the first one. It is our ability to take peace from the earth and to kill one another. Nowadays this is done on a massive scale but it begins in us as individuals. I do not know anyone who would not kill if given the right circumstance such as someone threatening your family, your life or just your comfort. You can never read this book while this is so.
The third seal is that all of the gifts of God now have a price. The food He gave us, the earth He gave us, and the time He gave us. If we desire something and we don’t have the money to get it, we are disappointed. When or if we receive that same amount of money then we are overjoyed or happy. This leads us to begin loving money. The love of money is the root of all the evil in the world. The lack of money that we “need” or want also leads us back to the first two seals.
The fourth seal on the book is our inevitable death. Statistically speaking, one out of every one dies. We desperately try to get as many of our lusts as we can in our limited time. To add to this, approximately one fourth of the people do not make it to the natural end of their lives. This is due to disease, accidents, hunger, thirst, war, wild beasts and so on. This causes us to fear. That fear causes us to do things that are displeasing to God.
The fifth seal on the book is that, throughout history, the ones that show forth praises to God and keep His commandments have been treated poorly. They have been mocked, ridiculed, locked up, cast out, and killed for their beliefs. Because of fear of this, people do not want to know the things of God.
The sixth seal was the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of their wickedness, man is very fearful of this. All men have sinned and do sin, so the coming of Jesus was not good news to them. Jesus is not only the forgiver and rewarder of those that love him; he is also the judge and punisher of those who do not.
The seventh seal is that, because of our sins, we fear what is going to happen next…
This book remained unopened since the beginning of time. No one in heaven or earth could get past these seals. This caused great grief to all those who wished to know all the wonderful things of God.
Jesus got past all the seals and was found by God to be worthy to open the book. He was now able to know everything about all the wondrous things in the kingdom of God. Because of this, we are now able to look into these wondrous things through him. If we love God and keep His commandments we are able to know all the deep things of God.
One question that seems to be on peoples’ minds is why do “bad” things happen to good people and why do “good” things happen to obviously bad people?
The Holy Spirit told me that we as people on the earth still do not understand or comprehend everlasting life. Compared to forever, seventy or eighty years are but a vapor or a blink. Mankind, in the flesh, is very temporary. He lives his life according to the limited time that he has.
The truth of this matter is that you are not just another animal that God just happened to like better than all the other animals. We do not just live according to our instincts then die so that God can be entertained by it. We are God’s grandest creation. We are the first thing that God ever wanted. God wanted a kingdom where those in it would love Him and praise Him of their own selves because they were so happy and thankful for all of the wonderful life that He had given them. These people would live their lives together in love, peace and joy before God and praise His very existence because of their own wonderful existence. They would praise Him and He would dry all their tears and share all their joy. They would be to Him a people and He would be to them a God forever and ever.
Through Jesus Christ a few of us were also chosen to be God’s family.
God’s own son is going to be married soon. His bride is going to be the most gorgeous bride ever created. Jesus will be wed to the Church of the Firstborn of Christ. This church consists of all the souls that were so beautiful to Jesus that He wanted to join them to his own. They shall be the first generation of the very family of God and this too shall be forever and ever.
The chosen of Christ are watched and cared for by Jesus through the Holy Spirit. They are not of this world. They get everything they need from Jesus Christ.
If you ask him for something in your ignorance and he does not give it to you, in his wisdom, if you turn to the world once again and try to get it there, the repercussions in the flesh can be catastrophic. I promise that it will never have the desired effect.
Man, in the flesh, can have bad knees. He can go to the doctors of science and medicine and sometimes they can fix or at least help you physically. If you are chosen and have bad knees and you have asked God in the name of Jesus Christ about your knees and he has not fixed the, I strongly suggest that you do not turn to the beggarly elements. The outcome will be catastrophic in the flesh.
This is a marvelous thing. If God is willing to chastise you about going to the world for your needs, it means that it was worth it to Him to do so. He only chastises those who belong to Christ. The rest will see God at a later date.
If you have learned anything from this that would keep you from offending God, compared to the rest of the world, you got a real bargain. If you received this wisdom and all it cost you was something in this fleshly life, you should be praising His name. If it leads you to repentance you are in great shape.
I had a vision once. I was standing in front of a high mountain. I understood that if you wanted to be with God, you had to get to the other side in your allotted time. As I began to climb I found that I could not make any progress. I would climb a ways then fall back down. Others would walk up and start climbing. They all just climbed right up but I could not even get started. This vision concerned me greatly as you can imagine. The Holy Spirit told me that the chosen do not strive to see God. They only help others to do so. When the time comes for me to get to the other side, I would just tell the mountain to move and it would get out of my way.
The chosen of the Lord are not subject to anything in the flesh. But everything is subject to the Holy Spirit which is in them, even mountains.
The Holy Spirit said that you are actually three creations. The vessel or body that you live in, the soul that makes you who you are and makes you different from every other soul and the spirit which gives the whole of your life.
The flesh is nothing compared to the soul and spirit. The soul is like a hand. The spirit is like the rest of the body that controls the hand and the flesh is like a glove that you put on the hand to do a certain job. When you finish the job, you no longer need the glove. It is not a loss that you took off the glove. You find that it actually frees your hand to do what the body wishes.
Your flesh is a good tool to begin to teach you who you are. But it will never be who you are. You are much more than you think you are. I hope that you realize this and give your whole self to the Lord. He will protect your soul and spirit and give you the Holy Spirit in your flesh while you are in it. When it dies, He will give you a new body that will always do the right thing, forever.
The truth is that anyone who is filled with the Spirit of God has no needs. The Lord provides all their needs according to a true knowledge of what it is that they need.
If we accept this gift we can worship God the Father directly. We are born again in His Spirit, of the very seed of God. We will be His children and heir to His Kingdom. We will live with Him in His glory.
We have no idea of the depths of the richness of this gift. I will tell you as a witness to it that it will consume your entire life. You will no longer look at anything the same way again.
All of these things are in the Bible. I praise God for the Holy Spirit which reminds me of these things. I believe every one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could get in touch with who wrote this. Why prophesy with your head covered and dishonour your head? Uncover your head and reveal yourself, for you are the image and glory of God. Any glory you recieve will be given to God for he is the one who speaks through you if you be a son of his. My name is Jerry Rose, would you please e-mail me at, or mail me something at 200 Stateline Rd., Apt 82, Oak Grove, KY 42262. Or pay me a visit! I wish to fellowship with you for I hear you and the voice of my Saviour I hear from you and I believe God has something to give you through me.