Sunday, August 12, 2007

Jesus Christ is Come in the Flesh

I have been chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ to testify of His coming in the flesh. This is a great honor and I am unworthy of it. I do not even begin to understand the reason why I was chosen. I suppose it was to prove the forgiveness and longsuffering of the Lord. Whatever the reason, I shall be forever grateful and repentant.

I am amazed at the response to this testimony. Most people, who receive this testimony, receive it as a precaution, just in case it’s true. Then they go on with their lives in the flesh just in case it’s not. Others plan to tell God that they “just didn’t know”. They will not receive it because it is devastating to their plea of ignorance unto God. There are those who will not receive it because they are afraid that God will require them to give up some of their things in the flesh.

There are also those who are offended by this testimony because it is a conviction on some aspect of their lives. They consider themselves to be “Christians” and ready to be “raptured” on the day of the Lord. Those who consider themselves to be something already are not very open to instruction from anyone, especially anyone without credentials that say that they are “qualified” to do so.

Everyone who has read the Bible knows of the Holy Spirit. Of course they know who Jesus Christ is. He is the perfect Son of God who died for us. Everyone, who has read the Bible or not, knows who God is. He is the one who made all things, has no beginning and no end and the one whose will all of this is.

Here is the story that is accepted by virtually every religion or group that accepts the Bible as the Word of God.

God made the world. God made man. Man would not accept the fact that he was made and began to do the things that displeased God. God straightened mankind out. Mankind became afraid of God and asked God for a law instead of direct discipline. In His love and longsuffering for His creation, God gave them what they asked for. The penalty for breaking this law was death. Without His guidance, all men broke the law.

Once again, in His love and longsuffering of His creation, God sent His own Son to save man from his penalty of death. He was also sent to show mankind how he could live forever. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for man’s sin. Now, whoever believes in Jesus will be saved and have everlasting life.
All bible-believing people teach and believe this story. I believe this story. It is a part of the Bible and we are all Bible believing.

Most “full gospel” religions believe this part of the story also…

After Jesus died, He rose again and ascended into Heaven. He returned and told His disciples to wait and He would give them the gift of the Holy Spirit. After receiving this gift, His disciples taught, through the Holy Spirit, that all people could repent of their sins, be baptized and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

All of these things are accepted or believed by “Christians”. They are all in the Bible and we are all Bible believing.

The Bible is a fairly large book. Mine has 1244 pages. It has a great deal more in it than the things I have just written.

If we believe that any of the Bible is true or divinely inspired, then all of the Bible is true. Even if you believe that man could mess something up in the translation over the years, you must believe that God is able to deliver the right message to you.

There is no part of the testimony that I have been given by the Holy Spirit that is not in the Bible. The one part of this testimony that seems to cause the most trouble is that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. (1 John 4:1-6) Most people are waiting for trumpets to sound and clouds to part. Then they believe that all the people who believe that Jesus exists will be “raptured” or blast off as a group. They have been sold this notion from one passage out of this large Bible (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) “For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Paul was talking to the people who were worried about the people they knew that were dead. He told them not to worry about them because Jesus had taken them with Him when He went back to God. When he told them about the rest of us, he said we, which are alive and remain to His coming, shall be caught up to meet Him in the air. He included himself in this statement. He was around about two thousand years ago. He included himself as one of those who were alive when Jesus came back. All of the disciples and several others (according to Acts, up to 500) saw Him after He returned.

According to Revelations and several other books in the Bible, He will come in the flesh again. This time He will be on a white horse and a sword proceeds out of His mouth and slays those that are left on the earth. I do not think that you want to be here on earth when that happens. All of those who belong to Him will be with Him at that time.

This is all in the flesh. If you have been born again in the Spirit of God, then you know that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. He is here to gather those who belong to Him unto Himself. This is all in the Spirit.

If you have not received the gift of the Holy Spirit then you do not see that Jesus is come in the flesh. The Bible says only those who are filled with that Spirit will know that He is here.

If you have not received this gift and do not know this, then I suggest that you pray and repent of your sin. Then I suggest that you ask Jesus for this precious gift. If you are true in your heart about your repentance and desire to be subject unto His rule, then Jesus will give you this gift. Then you also will know that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. You will live in the Spirit. You will not think I am crazy because you will also be crazy, according to those still in the flesh.

I hope for you that you are considered crazy and are hated by the world. It means that you belong to the one that they considered crazy and hated long before you. He is Jesus Christ and He is come in the flesh.


Unknown said...

Amen. I confess: Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.

Anonymous said...

I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh and if you do not you have that spirit of antichrist and your are a deceiver and may GOD hasten your destruction and have mercy on me.

cosmobaldazo said...
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cosmobaldazo said...

Amen brother! I confess that JESUS CHRIST has come in the flesh .Also I confess that JESUS is the SON OF GOD.We as christians , watchman,soldiers of the truth of god must defend the salvation of JESUS CHRIST.-THE WAY.

weberly2 said...

i know that He is already here in the flesh, but just want to say, nice blog post!

Windy E.

weberly2 said...

and to "Anonymous", i don't know why, or what exactly you are saying, but it was funny! :)

Anonymous said...

Amen I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh and He is Lord and God Incarnate and his Mother the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God.

Bless you dear sir and brother in the Lord for sharing your faith with us.

Anonymous said...

jesus christ has come .

Brandon Edgar said...

I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.

This is the test of spirits. Any change to this confession, is NOT a good confession according to the Bible (AV 1611). Those confessing something different or refusing to confess, are antichrists and deceivers (I & II John).

Mary is NOT the mother of God, and that is not a good confession of Jesus Christ. According to God in I John, you are an antichrist; the Lord rebuke thee!

Furthermore, to the author, an anonymous confession of Jesus Christ is no confession at all. An anonymous confession of ANYTHING is no confession at all. Though I know the message to be of God, an anonymous confession is not. You should get that right, for with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

You are, however, absolutely right about people being "troubled" by the confession of Jesus Christ. Its because, like you also said in your Abomination of Desolation blog, they serve a different Jesus Christ who only "has come", or "came" in the past and now is confined to a place at the right hand of God while they wax religious, preach doctrinal statements as the commandments of God and wait for their false Christ, who is the Antichrist.

I pray that the LORD God of Israel will hasten their destruction & torment, and damn them and all those with them before the time; and, that He will have great mercy on me and protect me for Jesus' sake alone.

I praise God for His Vengeance and for that day when they will burn forever and ever in the fire that never shall be quenched: where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched where there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth!

Unknown said...

I confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. You are welcome to connect, contact and become friends with me. Add and tell me if you confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.