Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Abomination of Desolation

Brief Overview thus Far

The Holy Spirit has told me that it is time for some hard speech. I am writing this by commandment of that Spirit. The Kingdom of God has come upon you. Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Therefore everything that is written should be taken up with Lord.

I personally cannot change, alter, re-think or even dispute within myself the things that the Holy Spirit tells me to write. Even though I have had a lot of feedback and suggestions and warnings, I do not have any choice about what the Spirit has to say. Therefore I will write what I am told to write and you must take it or leave it unto the Lord Jesus Christ. He is right there ready to hear your arguments or comments. He is also right here to correct me if I displease Him in any way.

I am allowed to question Him about anything that I do not understand. He answers anything that I ask out of a lack of understanding until I understand. However, I can’t question anything as to whether it is right or wrong. If the Holy Spirit says it, it is right.

The things that I write are not things that I am teaching. They are the things that I am learning. They are the things that the Holy Spirit is teaching me and anyone else that He is teaching with it. I am in no way being used by the Lord out of a need of His. I am merely being included as a wondrous gift to me. I am and shall always be grateful to Him.

Contrary to religious teaching, the Lord Jesus never uses mankind out of a need. He is the King of Kings. He has inherited the entire Kingdom of God. Every single wish or desire He has, is acted upon by that entire Kingdom. This includes an innumerable company of angels any one of which is greater than a thousand fleshly men.

Also contrary to religion, Jesus is not here to repair or save any part of this world. This world was made to be temporary by God from the beginning. God knew that everything that has happened was going to happen. He’s told us things were going to happen before it happened. He has also told us what is going to happen next.

God’s own Son, Jesus Christ, is not here to change the will of God. He is here to fulfill that will. He will not contend or debate with man in any manner. He is not going to repair or fix anything on this planet except unrighteous people who are willing to be made righteous by Him.

He is come in the flesh to see who among mankind is willing to be subject unto His rule as King. He has already given us His commandments. If you do not know what these commandments are, then you can pick up any Bible and they are written for you. Most Bibles have the words that He spoke personally in red letters. These are His commandments. If you are subject unto the Lord then you are subject unto these commandments.

You can’t just know what they are. You also can’t just put them to memory. To be subject to them, you must do them. If you are going to be subject unto the Lord, you must do what He says to do twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.

To mankind this is impossible. However with God all things are possible. Jesus has provided a gift to those who wish to be obedient. If you will confess your sin and repent of it, He will forgive you. If you will agree to be subject unto Him in all things by contract of baptism, He will give unto you the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will take over your life and teach you to be subject unto Jesus Christ. This is the way that you must do it or you are subject unto another King than Jesus.

You were created to be far more than you can ever imagine in your wildest dreams. If you are found to be worthy through obedience to the will of Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit concerning His commandments in the flesh, then you will die to your own life and be born again into the glorious creation that you were meant to be.

You were made in the image of God. The creation that you are in the flesh is only an image or picture of what you were made to be. You are a soul and spirit in a fleshly body. Your soul is what makes you different from every other creation. It is what makes you who you are. Your spirit is a receiver that receives all of the things that we see, hear, taste, touch or smell. Your spirit then digests this information and your soul brings it to life in your flesh. Your life is a testimony of what your soul has received from your spirit.

In the flesh, if your spirit receives bad things than your soul or personality becomes dark and angry. If your spirit receives good things or things you like, then your soul is light and happy. This is what makes you made in the image of God. The fleshly body is just a temporary vehicle that carries this wondrous creation.

Since the flesh is the only part of this wondrous creation that we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears, we spend most of our souls on the care and keeping of our bodies. The things that keep our spirit healthy and happy take a back seat to the things of our flesh. Without our care, our spirit becomes weak and our souls become polluted with the things of the flesh. We invest our entire souls to the care and keeping of our temporary vehicles.

The wondrous creation that you were made in the image of God becomes a product that you sell to this world. In rejecting Jesus Christ in your spirit and caring for your own flesh you become the image of Satan. He was thrown out of heaven for the very same thing.

The Abomination of Desolation

With this said, I am now going to tell you something that I am required to tell you before I write it that the Kingdom of God has come upon you. Make sure that as you read, you pray for understanding. This is a very serious subject to God.

I have prayed that the Lord would keep my thoughts or my input completely out as I write or speak in His name. I would appreciate it if whoever is reading this would also pray in whatever manner that you pray in the name of Jesus Christ that no evil influence whatsoever would be allowed to interfere with your receiving what I am about to tell you. That includes anything that I think. We all need to hear only what the Spirit of God has to say and nothing else on this subject.

There is present in the world today an abomination unto God that is an abomination above all other abominations. Mankind, through the ages, has had idols and false gods. Those that profited from them worshiped these idol gods. The rest would fear the idols because the ones that profited would make sure that they did. These were abominations to God. If they found themselves in His presence with these idols, the rest of their short lives did not go well at all. God has been longsuffering and forgiving to mankind on this matter even though, as you well know, it goes on today all over the world.

There is an abomination in this world today that is so offensive to God that He will not suffer it any longer. The time for this abomination to stop is right now. If you have any part of what I am about to tell you then I would seriously advise you to repent in as humble a manner as you know. Afterwards never go there again.

Mankind has become so vain in the fact that he was made with his own soul in the image of God that he has done that thing that he was told never to do by God. He has made unto himself another false idol. This one is far worse than any idol that has ever been made (although all of them are worthy of the punishment that they received). The idols that man made throughout history had names like Baal, Rah, Diana and so on. This idol that man has created today has taken on the name of the Lord God almighty.

As a whole, mankind has given his soul over to the flesh. The world and the flesh are the kingdom of Satan. Everyone that has ever read the Bible knows this. Man considers that since he is made in the image of God that God must be pretty much like him only magic. He has made unto himself a god in his own fleshly image. This idol god is easy to serve. He lives in house like us, seeks money and fame like us, makes mistakes like us and hates anyone who is against him like us. He overlooks pretty much anything they do that is sin as long as they give him his cut.

Man has also given this idol a son. This idol son was also born in a manger so that they could have Christmas without feeling guilty of partaking of a pagan holiday. He was also born of a virgin so that they could also worship his mother. He walked on the earth and gave some advice on how to live. He was also tortured and murdered by man as a sacrifice to the idol god so that they would be allowed to sin and not have to pay for it. He ascended unto heaven and is waiting there to come back one day and slay all the people they don’t like and rescue those who knew his name from the earth that they destroyed in that name. They have also made the serious mistake of giving this idol son the name above all names, Jesus Christ.

Another serious mistake that man made in the creation of this false idol is that they have sold a holy ghost. This is man’s silent partner who protects them and gives them suggestions concerning their fleshly lives. This is also what man blames for what he himself thinks or comes up with.

This idol god also takes all the people who don’t give him his cut or interferes with the happiness of those who did give him his cut and throws them in a fiery hell where Satan lives and they are burned and tortured forever so that the “faithful” don’t have to fear them or be bothered by them anymore.

This idol god receives ten thousand times the worship and praise on earth as the Lord God himself. The followers of this idol have compassed the entire earth selling this notion of a god made in the image of man.

This idol is very flexible concerning his operation. There is a house that he lives in on corners all over the world. They teach pretty much any doctrine that you wish to believe.

The standard price for receiving all of the benefits of this idol is ten percent of whatever you have profited in the flesh. If you pay his cut, then for his own profit he gives you all the more riches in the flesh. What this idol does with his profits is pay those, who sell his god ship, large salaries. Then he builds huge elaborate temples where those, who worship him, can come and give him his cut in comfort. Once a week or more these idol worshipers gather together and have the Bible cut up into small enough pieces so that they can string the pieces together and make it say whatever they want.

When they pray in these gatherings they usually start their prayers with “dear god”. This is so that their god knows that they are talking to him and not each other. Then they thank him for the fleshly things that they have taken unto themselves and ask him for the things of the flesh that they were not able to take unto themselves. They apologize for whatever they did that he thinks is sin. They tell him who to bless and why. They ask it in the name of the idol son so that he knows that they know his name and the idol god is more likely to give them the things that they pray for. Then they say “amen”. This is a sign to the idol that they are through talking to him and they are getting on with their fleshly lives.

They gather in groups, after these meetings, to assure one another that no matter how bad the economy gets, before it gets too bad, the idol son will return and teach them all to fly. Then they all fly away together to flesh lovers’ paradise.

This idol god is a serious offense to the Lord God. Because of the overspreading of abomination that this has caused, God will send those that have profited from this idol and those that have worshiped it into a time of such desolation, as the world has not seen since the beginning. This will be a time of great hardship in the flesh. It will be a time of great crying and anger. The stores by which mankind has kept himself shall be emptied. The earth will no longer bring forth its bounty. Those that are exercised by this time will pray for death but it will not find them. Death will not interfere or shorten this time. No one will come out of this time until they have repented of all of their evil deeds and given their entire selves over to the worship and praise of God and Jesus Christ.

This hell has no time limit. Again, death will not interfere. Time is irrelevant to God. It is however relevant to you.

If you have anything to do with this abomination, I strongly suggest that you immediately cease and repent in your most humble manner. Do not have anything more to do with this abomination. If you are true in your heart as to your repentance, the Lord Jesus will forgive you and save you from this time of severe desolation and grief.

If you do not repent, there is nothing more for you than a certain waiting for the wrath of God. Your wait will not be long.

You, The Book of Life, Hell & Tribulation

The only comfort I can give to those who reject this warning is that hell is not a place where God puts all of his people that commit sin so that He can torture and torment them forever. This is part of that same blasphemous lie.

Hell is a place where the most stouthearted of sinners can have enough tribulation to learn the commandments of God and why He made them. Hell is where even the most evil of souls can be tolerated long enough for them to learn, through great tribulation, to fear God. Thereby, they can be saved and partake of the glorious life that is given to them by God.

Hell is a gift given to God’s only begotten Son at His coronation as King of Kings. Before His coronation, Jesus was mistreated horribly and killed by mankind. He endured these things unto God as a show of His love for mankind. With this sacrifice, Jesus Christ saved the souls of all of mankind. Hell is a gift to Jesus from God to assure Him that even the worst of souls could be tolerated there long enough for them to be saved. Thereby, Hell is also another wonderful gift to us from Jesus Christ.

We can freely love all of the souls that are put before us without judgment. We know that when it comes to everlasting life, they will all be there.

The lives of every soul on earth, since the beginning, are given by God as a chapter in the Book of Life. Jesus has saved all souls, therefore, every soul is another life filled with questions and answers of life. All of these souls collectively make up the entire Book of Life. Any question that could ever be asked about life is in this book. The outcome of any action that you could possibly do is in this book.

After contributing to the Book of Life every soul is given a choice. They can continue in this fleshly life until they understand this entire Book or they can surrender this life to Jesus Christ in faith and He will lovingly and kindly teach you the things of this Book.

To fully understand the wondrous creation that you are, you must be born again. Our souls have been saturated with the cares and affairs of the flesh. Our spirits have become weak. The affairs of the flesh have pretty much consumed our souls. Therefore our own spirits are put away to make room in ourselves for the spiritual receiver that gives us the best advice on matters of the flesh. These fleshly advisors are evil spirits.

When we take unto ourselves the things of the flesh and begin to live our lives according to the affairs of this world, we open ourselves to evil spirits. They advise our souls on things of the flesh. They lead us into a place where the care and keeping of our flesh is so important that our spirits are left starving. Our souls are so consumed with the affairs of this world that we become just another animal on the earth with the sand running out of our hourglass. We try to consume as many of the things that we instinctively lust for before our inevitable death.

You were not created to be just another fish in God’s aquarium to entertain Him with your life until you die. No matter what lie you have been told or believe, you will never die to the point that you cease to exist. Your flesh will most certainly die in due time. Your soul, however, has been saved by Jesus Christ. It will be put through whatever rigorous test that is necessary for it to be saved and live forever.
Life in the Spirit

Your spirit is a piece or part of the Spirit of God. It can be given or taken at His will. When your soul has been sufficiently exercised to be worthy to receive it, your spirit will be returned to you. It will receive the things of God and your soul, having been exercised by reason of great tribulation, will live these things to life. You shall be the very image of God.

If you love the Lord Jesus and are willing to trust the rest of your life to Him in faith, being obedient to His commandments and are willing to enter into a contract signed in His blood and your baptism that states that you are willing to worship and serve Him and are willing to be subject unto His rule for the rest of time without end, then He will give unto you the Holy Spirit of God.

This Spirit will come into your own vessel and will teach your soul about the things of God. He will remind you of the commandments of Jesus Christ and will try your soul on these matters.

If, after being tried, you are found to be worthy through obedience to the commandments of Christ Jesus, you shall be part of His chosen. The Holy Spirit will receive the deep things of God and will bring them to life in your own soul. Your body will become the temple of God. For the rest of this life on earth, your life will be a reflection or image of Jesus Christ.

When this life is over you shall be given a glorious new body that shall be perfect for you. You shall be clothed in garments that are pure righteousness. Then in your new splendor, you will be married unto the Lord Jesus. Your own spirit will be the Spirit of God and your soul will be a perfect reflection of this Spirit. You shall be a part of the actual family of God. You shall forever be the actual image of God.

May the abundant joy and peace that comes with obedience to Christ Jesus be yours forever. Amen & amen.


ladynada said...

I thank the Lord for this Word.

NYCindividual said...

I've given you an award at

George said...

I had to go back over this blog and make sure I was reading what I was reading. Now I am more confused than ever. On one hand you seem to be saying we worship a Jesus Christ - son of God - and we pray to Him and everything else He has told us to do in the Bible, and you say He is an idol.

Later I read that you say we must worship Jesus Christ and repent as He has told us to and we will be OK. What am I missing here?

a Witness of the truth said...

Good question. However, I am not the writer of these letters. Although, I do believe what is written here, I don't know how to answer your question. As far as the idol part goes, the author was stating that organized religion teaches of a different Christ than the true, turning Him into an idol. as for the other which seems a contradiction, it is referencing the difference between the children of God and the Peoples of God. These things are referenced throughout the Bible. Matt 19: 16 - 21 talks of the difference briefly. There is a prophecy in Daniel that speaks of the Abomination of Desolation Dan 9 24-27 and in Isaiah 66 1-4 talks of idol worship in a manner that might explain what I mean by organized religion turning Him into an idol. There is a starting point for you to look up these things yourself in the word. Just pray to understand the meaning according to God not according to what you'd wish it to mean in the name of Jesus Christ, which I'm sure you are doing anyway or you would not have come up with this question in the first place, then pick up that book and look. It's a living Word. It will come alive.

I will, however, print off your question and give it to the author so that he can answer it fully as that seems to be his gift. I don't see him as much as I use to so it may take a few days. In the mean time, take care and God Bless.

a Witness of the truth said...

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He has inherited the entire Kingdom of God. Every whim or wish of His is acted upon by that entire Kingdom. This world is a very minute part of that Kingdom. He does not need me, you, or anything else. He has everything that He needs. He has given you His word on virtually every aspect of your life. That is His word and it will not change. He will not change. Since you have commented on this particular letter, I salute your sencerity on seeking the Lord. Make no mistake you have an enemy. He is Satan. He is the ruler of this world. He will tell you anything except that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Jesus is here to receive your decision concerning His rule in your life forever. This is the only Jesus or Christ that there is. All other jesus' or christs' are antichrist. If you wish to worship Jesus Christ, you are going to have to see Him personally. In this time, I am quite happy and content that Jesus Christ has not made His presence known to very many. The way that He has been received by my fellow man causes me to have to mourn rather than be filled with the great joy that comes with the knowledge of His presence on this earth at this time. If you wish to receive the things of Jesus Christ, you're going to have to come to Him knowing nothing and excepting His commandment concerning your own personal life in the flesh. Otherwise you are going to partake of God's answer to the way that His Son has been received by this generation. You will not have long to wait. I pray that you would submit yourself unto Him entirely. He must be worshiped above all other things in your life, which includes all of the things that you deem important to Him. He must be higher than any other thing in your life. Your family, your job, your responsibilities, your country, your law, your own life and any other thing concerning your flesh. God is Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. If you truly seek the will of the Lord, I am confident that you will not find Him. I am however equally confident that He will find you. That is all that I have to say on this matter. May the great peace and joy that comes with obedience to Christ Jesus and His commandments be yours forever. amen

Anonymous said...

Where in the scripture could you find that hell was a gift to Jesus by God? that isn't scriptural, friend...please be more cautious with what you write, you'll be held accountable with that.

Anonymous said...

Hello all, it is said that you shoud look for good in all things! I am the dognam from immaculate conception. Who was jesus just a man like you or me who had compasion for his fellow man. All people from all creeds of life who had a conviction of tolerance and love of there fellow man and it is still here as you show with rather long winded comments the dognam.i have returned leave a comment

a Witness of the truth said...

I'm just the poster of these letters. I didn't write them but I'm curious, just what have you returned from? What is the dognam of immaculate conception suppose to mean? Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, He was not just a man like you or me but lived as one as an example for us.

Afterwind said...

please visit some psychiatrist.

Matthew Downey said...

A Witness:

I really wish you had not made your identity unknown. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Matthew Downey and I am 31 years old. I live in Columbus, Ohio. Here is my testimony.

When I was 17, my friends turned out to be in a cult. They spoke in code and threatened my life if I would not join. I got away from them and was filled with the Holy Spirit.

I later found Satanists in the churches. I ended up homeless and then tried to blaspheme so I could rest and then go to hell, since Jesus wasn't coming back for me in time. He showed me through much labor and trial that I have done nothing unforgivable. I now have a nice apartment in Ohio, am single, and have money.

It sounds like we have a GREAT DEAL in common, and I really wish you had posted your email address as I would like to meet you. If you want to meet me, visit my website or email me at MattDowneyOH@wowway,com.

I will be very anxious and distressed until I hear from you so I am hoping you are still active with this blog. Take care. I will be praying for you and I believe God has great things in store for you!

The only thing I really take issue with on your site is all the offers of salvation to people who probably have no means to obtain it. If all the world hates us, why are we obligated to keep offering them something so priceless and rare that they have reprobated themselves to and are now eating the flesh of their own arms over? Just a thought. Anyway, maybe we can help each other or change the face of history. You do know that two people have a great reward for their labor and can put 10,000 to flight don't you? Also that there is no death in the path of righteousness? Please email me quick!

Matthew Downey said...

I have a new blog. Go there and see what I have to say.




Matthew Downey said...

Brother, you have done no wrong in taking to you a wife. The Lord has spoken to me tonight with His own tongue telling me that if I am to gather saints, I must be willing first to fling wide the doors to any and every outsider, lest He remove my hedge of protection.

Who knows? Maybe I shall take a wife who I normally would not. You have done no wrong. Worry yourself no further. If anyone you know needs any kind of deliverance, that can be accomplished with skill and tact and especially with the canopy of comfortable love.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I have an 18 year old friend I ran into at Wendy's who knows nothing as yet of what you speak in your blog, and I have on mine. Please at least make contact, so I will know I can pray for you, what your name is, where you live, and have a real friend in this world. I promise to never interfere with your home life. God has strictly affirmed to me that we must not close doors to the outside world as Satan would like me to.

Please have mercy on your precious younger brother and let me know you received my comments and are still alive.

In His precious love, hoping all is well in your home, willing to pray together to make it so, that your marriage might last longer and your kids might be happier,

~ Matthew Downey

Matthew Downey said...

I literally almost fell into trouble tonight thinking I would keep the door of God's Kingdom closed to those who profess Babylonian ways.

However, darkness and the power of darkness simply goes by the NAME "mark of the beast", and there need not be anyone who feels darkness. If they need to repent, they simply need to know their money will be Ok and how important it is to do so. Have the spiritual blinders taken off, so to speak.

I was on the verge of being tormented, and God showed me I must be willing to love ALL PEOPLE. I do not have a spiritual cancer, and this is something I CANNOT do alone. So please contact me. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am the Dognam and I have returned through immaculate consception. Yes I am here and judging you all each Day and let me tell you all I am not happy!! It, is a free world and I am here to tell you all, in freedom brings many new aspects to life. Through having a greater power over the enviroment around you and your way of moving through this labyrinth of life, so that we all may have enlightenment and peace in our lives. The time to move towards a new way of life is upon us today ,are you ready for this?
You all quote scriptures from the old world,(do you think that Jesus would have expected you to follow and adhere to these texts for all time no), we need to move on to 2011 and reach out to others and to add to these scriptures new and enlightening news of our time.You create your own Heaven/Hell. Dognam

Anonymous said...

All of you thirsty for the spirit...
Please visit