Sunday, August 12, 2007

Morals and Modern LIfe

I am amazed at the lack of morals in this world today. There have always been those who had few morals but nowadays it is ridiculous.

Morals are the common fear of God of a society as a whole. There have always been those with high morals conscience and those with low moral conscience. I have never seen nor even heard of so many as there are today with no moral conscience.

Before Jesus came to this world, if you were one of God’s people, you had strong morals or you paid the price. The penalty for breaking most of God’s laws involved your life or your health. People had high morals out of fear of repercussions even if they were too ignorant to fear God.

The only repercussions people fear now is the law. They seem to have no fear at all of God. In this country it is taught that God is way off in Heaven. Jesus will come back one day off in the future but for now we don’t have to fear God. He is too far away. God’s laws are only vaguely represented in the laws of this country. The law frowns on killing unless they want you to kill. The law also frowns on stealing unless you do it in court or on your taxes. There is nothing in our laws that prohibit fornication, adultery, blasphemy, heresy, envy, wrath, malice, hatred, anger covetousness or worshipping false idols. The only thing that people fear is not having enough money to buy their way out of breaking the law.

One of the main reasons for this moral decay is the fact that virtually every person owns or has access to television.

Virtually every opinion that people have about anything that does not pertain to them directly was given to them by television. Through actual images, this magic box keeps us abreast of the latest news all over the world. It teaches us what to do in virtually every situation that could possibly or impossibly come up in our lives. It lets us look at all of the most seedy, sinful and terrible things without actually being seedy, sinful or terrible. It tells us what to buy, how to dress, what we should look like, whom we should love, whom we should hate and even what we should fear. It does this with actual images of the same that we can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears.

We actually trust our own lives and the lives of our children to the teachings of this box. Satan is called the prince of the power of the air. This prince has chosen to “enlighten” mankind with the knowledge that things travel on waves in the air. This is what allows a voice to be heard some distance from where it is spoken. It allows a light to be picked up by an eye at even greater distances. It allows smells to be picked up by your nose and so on.

In one hundred years we have went from being a society of individuals whose knowledge went only as far as each set of eyes could see to being a society as a whole earth, looking into things that are going on all over the world and judging them. We actually went from the beginning to one hundred years ago without much change in the way that life was lived.
Not very much of the way we lived life one hundred years ago is still the way we live life today. We have allowed our lives to be dictated to us by the power of the air. We all know who the prince of this power is.

This society that we live in has given itself over to this power completely.

Every single bit of information that you receive from this power is either a lie or it stems from a lie. Either way, there is no way possible for you to receive the Holy Spirit as long as you are still a part of this society. This teaching is so overpowering that it is necessary to go into a closet or get out away from it to hear from the Holy Spirit or to even gather a thought concerning spiritual matters.

I have heard the argument that God can use television to do good things.God would never confuse you by doing good things using the tools of Satan. God made all things. This includes Satan and anything he uses. If God wants any good things done, He will use His own immutable power to do it. As far as God’s war with Satan is concerned, He already won that before He actually made him. Satan’s war is not with God it is with you.

You cannot trust any information that you receive by the power of the air. If I tell you ten lies and one truth, of course, I am still a liar. I must tell you, if I tell you ten truths and one lie, I am still a liar. You cannot trust my information or me. You sure would not want me teaching you or anyone you love.

The only things that are of any value to you at this late hour are spiritual. You need these things desperately. The only source for them is the Holy Spirit. The only source for the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ. Anyone or anything that tells you differently is a liar.

The flesh lusts or desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires against the flesh. The two are contrary or opposite of one another. Anything of the flesh is absolutely useless to you personally right now. As a matter of fact, anything fleshly that you take unto yourself is a great hindrance to you spiritually. By the same rule, anything that you take unto yourself spiritually is a great hindrance to your flesh. If you are gaining in any way in the flesh, you are losing in the Spirit. If you are gaining in any way in the Spirit, you are losing in the flesh.

The Holy Spirit told me that God never sells anything and Satan never gives anything away. Unless it is given to you without price it did not come from God. God does not give or have anything to do with money. If you have to exchange money to receive it unto yourself you got it from the other source. By this same rule, you now know where you got everything that you have.

I strongly suggest that if you wish to avoid learning the things of the Spirit the hard way, that you make the Spirit and the things of the Spirit the number one priority in your life immediately. If you have anything of the flesh that you have taken unto yourself that does not perish with the very using of it, I suggest that you find someone who would like it but is unable to get it for themselves, and give it to them. The Lord God is well pleased with such sacrifices. He will reward you with things of the Spirit. This is the world’s best bargain.

If you are still trying to better your position in the flesh or this world, I feel sorry for you. There is not enough time for you to accomplish your goals no matter what they are. Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. He has been made the King of Kings by God almighty. He is here to see who is going to accept His rule by faith in Him through obedience to His commandments. All the rest will be taught by God to accept His rule through great tribulation.

This is not a time for thinking about accepting Jesus Christ as ruler of your life. This is not a time for talking about accepting it. This is a time for doing your choice before the Lord Jesus Himself. Whether you choose to do the things of the Lord or the things of the flesh, it is your public testimony as to your choice before the Lord.

If you are going to accept the wondrous gift from Jesus Christ of being filled with the Holy Spirit, I strongly suggest you get started now. I suggest that you find a closet or other secluded place where you can put the cares of the flesh out of your heart. Then I would call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance for the shameful way you have lived the life that you were given and for your failure to obey His commandments. Then I would humbly ask for His guidance as you go forth and do all of the things that He commands in the Bible. Then I would cast all of your fleshly cares on Him in faith that He can handle them and you cannot. Then I would, by contract of baptism, agree to put away the old ways of caring for the things of the flesh and be raised a new man who is loyal and obedient to the will of God through Jesus Christ to receive the Holy Spirit of God. The Spirit will lead you and teach you and guide you in the ways of the Spirit.

God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. This must truly be your desire. If you do not truly desire to be ruled by Jesus Christ through the filling of the Holy Spirit, He will know and everything you do will come to no good. If your desire to be ruled by Him is true and you repent and do the things He says, Jesus is always faithful to do the things He says He will do. He will give unto you the Holy Spirit. You will be part of the church of the firstborn. You will look into and learn the things of the Spirit.

At the time appointed you shall be married unto the Lord Jesus Himself and shall be of one Spirit with Him forever.

This gift is everything you could ever possibly desire. It is given without cost or obligation to anyone who truly, in their heart, desires to be freed from the prison of sin and doubt that is your own fleshly life and are willing, by faith, to have this prison of death broken to pieces and removed from them. It is given to those whose lives are so messed up and without hope that they are willing to repent of this life and never look back.

The surrender of your life is not a sacrifice that you offer as payment for anything. It is a merciful gift from Jesus Christ to those of us whose lives were ruined by their own sin and bad decisions, so that we do not have to pay for our mistakes.

This offer is non negotiable and final. Do not be deceived into buying some bargain counter offer sold to you by some circus barker religious salesman. This is the only offer on the table. Search the scriptures yourself. Do not just search for something you want to hear. Listen to what the scriptures are saying to you. If you can read, you do not need any help with this.

Do not trust anyone or anything but Jesus Christ with this matter. Be completely humble and honest with Him. You will find that Jesus Christ was all that you ever needed.

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that all evil influence would be cast from you as you consider this offer. This is the greatest gift that has been or ever will be offered and this is the last time that it will ever be offered.You must make your choice now.

Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. The Kingdom of God has come upon you.

May the great hope, joy, and peace that comes with obedience to Christ Jesus be yours forever. May He always be your King and rule your life for time without end. Amen & amen.


Anonymous said...

Kindlly check out my blog for Morals & Ethics

Anonymous said...

I am the dognam from immaculate conseption and I have returned to bring a new order.

Anonymous said...

Dognam, I have returned and I am ready to help all humanity to find peace.To realise we are all the same all worship the same God.All have the same wants and needs and aspirations for our children and hope they live in a peacefull world.. It is up to us to show them the way.